Any job

List three jobs you’d consider pursuing if money didn’t matter.

As long as it means dealing with people less. Like reading a book and writing reviews. Annoying reviews for that matter.

Watching paint dry.

Reading children stories.

In short, if I wasn’t pursuing money, any job that’s not included in bullshit jobs would be on the table. Maybe I would avoid working in an abattoirs, morgue or anywhere death resides. I would not want to be an undertaker.

Maybe I would even become an animal enchanter. Or yoga instructor. The world of work is almost ♾️.

I am not particular

What brands do you associate with?

As long as a thing works, brand name not important. I don’t buy clothes based on a brand name. If it fits, looks good and the threads look like they didn’t use cellulose or something that will not survive two washes, I am good to go.

If a shoe looks good, and I am without a good pair, I buy it. Again, if the thread on it looks sound and the leather is a fair piece, we are good to go.

I have had different brands of mobile phones since I started using one and I like my current phone because of the few things I can do with it. My next phone will depend on how much money I have.

My laptop depends on what I am doing with it. My current laptop has served me for the last 5 years. I recently bought another that should serve me for the same period unless I meet a sponsor who thinks I should have a mac book and not a Windows PC.

I would be the worst kind of a brand ambassador. Utility is my first concern then appearances or maybe the two combine together at price point. It is the price that is for me the main determinant.

Is it really the case that

By boiling man down to nothing more than another animal, to the cousin of apes [Oook, oook!], Darwinism degrades the human soul, making the adherent of this faith believe that there is nothing special or unique about humanity. It cheapens human life, minimizes our accomplishments, and limits our capacity for greatness.

Marxism and tyrannical government are also justified by Darwinism, for if we were not created by God, we have no inherent natural rights and there is no objective good or evil — to believe that there is becomes nothing more than the latest social and evolutionary development, as concepts of good and evil might change tomorrow as we evolve again

I can’t recall the source of these quotes now but I have thoughts about them.

Starting with the first paragraph, that we are cousin of apes is true. I don’t see however how acknowledging this bit cheapens our achievements. Our ape cousins have not reached the same lofty goals we have in all aspects. And our limit for greatness or to sink lower than beasts is not diminished when we recognize our kinship with other animals.

If the bible is to be believed, the forms of government we have today are alien to its God. There is no voting that I can recall of in the bible except where the disciples cast lots after the death of Judas. There is no participation in crafting the laws. In fact, slavery, racism found support in the bible so unless one is arguing for slavery and monarchy, the argument about natural rights becomes moot.

What is good and evil might be expanded as we expand our knowledge of things and of man. We will treat each other better the more we can learn the causes of human follies and all. In my view, it is a great thing that we have capacity to improve.

Or maybe I am wrong.

Anything about human beings

Which topics would you like to be more informed about?

I find Homo sapiens sapiens a very interesting species and anything about man interests me. Why do we do what we do? Why do men have large penises? Why should women have menopause? Why do some people lose their minds, literally?

I know I recently said I would want to learn about how to be a millionaire or a billionaire but this is not so hard. Do business with the government or sell people’s data, be clever on your taxes, invest on some silly stocks and hope for a windfall. And then don’t spend what you don’t have on what you don’t need. But this is not as interesting as knowing about people.

Knowing programming languages, or spending time on how machines work are worthwhile too so I could fix my car and bike on the go. I would, if there was more time in a day practice painting and carpentry so I can repair my own spaces in the way I want them to look. But that’s saying a lot.

So in brief, what interests me the most and I would want to learn me about has to do with human beings- from consciousness to penis size, to I don’t know what.

How to make money

Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life.

Because I still don’t know how to and I am not sure whether reading poor dad rich son or whatever the title of the book will help me in becoming Bezos. Or whether what I want to be is a hybrid of Bezos and Musk.

I have read many a boring book but hardly any on personal finances. Maybe if I read a book on personal finance, I would have a cheaper hobby and invest the money I use to buy shoes in a stock and only use dividends for purchases. Most importantly, I think I should have been born in the right family so whether I studied finance or not, it wouldn’t matter.

I learnt many things in my childhood, especially from observation. Don’t say a thing about a person unless you are prepared to repeat the same in their presence. Don’t start a fight/ war when your chances of winning are thin

I still can’t swim. I have dropped out of swimming classes twice and of all activities, it is one of those I think learning would do me good. Maybe I would become a part time life guard at a pool near me or something.

I have been really busy last few days so I haven’t had time to visit any blogs or put up a post but I hope to catch up with all of your posts in the coming days.

Mainly because i can

Why do you blog?

And it has been a great opportunity to relate with others, get differing opinions on different topics, clarify my thoughts on some issues and so on.

This blog has also been the place where i post my thoughts on books i have read and have got great book recommendations from friends like Mary and Judy Thompson. Maybe i can say i blog to get good book and podcast recommendations- thanks to Ubi.

I blog- that is read blogs- to keep up with the life of Pink. I am joking.

Since i don’t have a digital presence anywhere else, this is my instagram. I post my photographs here. Well, not photos of me, but of the things and places i liked.

My friend John has also shared quite an interesting list of interesting movies. So that’s something else.

I have occasionally tried to crowdsource ideas or solutions to some challenges but this hasn’t been quite successful, but still i blog.

In short, to meet, to discuss, to share.

Happy Sunday everyone except Barry for whom it is Monday already.

On cities and parking

I was listening to a podcast about the city of Chicago and their parking fiasco and I got thinking about our building regulations especially concerning the requirements for parking in apartments and office buildings. First about Chicago for those of us who don’t live there, sold the rights for managing street parking to Morgan Chase in a deal that should last 75 years.

Now that we are on the same page, and building on the discussion about design of cities, how should cities proceed? Should it be the developer’s discretion how many parking spaces they provide or should the city make pronouncements on this?

Planners and architects have argued that part of the reason for traffic in city centres is because of inadequate terminal buildings- that’s lack of parking- and that the solution is to increase parking spaces. Maybe we should reduce the parking spaces and encourage mass transit.

Or what do you think?