Clean socks

What are your two favorite things to wear?

And a clean boxer just in case some unfortunate thing were to happen to Me, I would be found in decent clean clothing.

I joke.

It must have been Mark Twain in his work the Prince and Pauper who made the powerful argument on clothing making the person. So in all things, dress as you would want to be thought of. Sack clothes if you want to be thought of as Still living before the Dark Ages. Suits if you want be thought of as a lawyer-liar or parson.

But in all you do, wear clean socks and undergarments!

The Grand Inquisitor

Is a very interesting chapter in Dostoyevski’s The Brothers Karamazov where he, Dostoyevski, through Ivan makes a very interesting interpretation of the temptation of Jesus as told in the new testament.

First, Ivan makes the argument that after 15 centuries, the Prisoner (Jesus) has no right to come back nor say a word. That were he to say something now, it would encroach on the faith of the people. For were he to speak, that would manifest as a miracle.

In going to the heavens and giving the church power to bind and unbind, he relinquished the way by which men can or could be made happy. That is, through miracle.

The interesting part is when he says the three questions so called temptations, ecpress in human words, the whole future history of the race. That were those three questions to be erased and poets, philosphers and men of law and science were asked to come up with something similar, they wouldn’t. That the three questions are themselves the miracle. This is where you ask why so? The three questions deal with miracle, mystery and authority. And he refused these because, as Ivan claims, he had deep respect for human freedom.

Unless he, the prisoner, no longer values human freedom he can’t utter a word.

I find the position by Dostoyevski very interesting as an interpretation of the miraculous, that is, accepting for the moment that such a conversation did take place. In this interpretation, the devil/ tempter must be seen as being of a wise disposition. That she understands the human condition so to speak and presents Jesus with the three questions that capture us- the desire for miracle, authority and worship. In short, this is a rehabilitation of the tempter just as in genesis, Lucifer must be seen as the harbinger of light to mankind, opening the path for learning and possibly destruction.

I recommend reading it.

If you are curious

And don’t live under a rock like me, you heard of the circus that was OpenAI last week. It appears the issue revolves around a breakthrough in AGI that has left people raising ethical concerns about how well we understand the potential of AGI.

This article doesn’t explain it precisely but I believe it is a good place to start.

This episode of revisionist history talks to the issue of AI and whether we should be scared or see the potential and opportunities that Ai will make possible.

What are your thoughts.

I don’t think I have

What are your favorite animals?

I have never owned a pet. No dogs. No cats. Nothing. While we have owned cows, donkeys, goats, and poultry, they were not mine and I had no particular favourite.

I have posted photos here of wildlife from my visits to different parks but I wouldn’t say I have a favourite. I find them interesting in different ways. And some are frightening in how dangerous they are.

But if I had to choose, it would be a sloth which I haven’t seen or a tortoise with its constant reminder to take it slow. You will still get there.

No impression at all

What’s the first impression you want to give people?

First impressions can be misleading so I would rather there is no first impression but lasting impressions of friendship, kindness, silliness and all. Most of all, I want them to remember that I treated them humanely unless they were assholes, then I want them to remember they got just as much as they gave.

I have never been able to recall from whose work I read the argument or thought that how we react to people when we meet them for the first time has not so much to do with them but how far or close we think they are like us. There are those we like and those we despise just from this initial reaction.

And now in our era of likes and pokes, public opinion of us seems to matter so greatly that suicide has resulted from it and that is really scary.

So the person reading this as their first visit to my blog, the impression you should form is up to you and we hope that you will come back to discover more.


If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

My family and friends are happy, are free to explore their full potential and be whatever they choose to be. I remember reading somewhere many moons ago, that home is where one is happy. It’s not, in this sense, a fixed place on this rock spinning at breakneck speed, but where one finds happiness.

And I have found happiness in many an odd place. Sometime back I found it along the beaches of Somalia, and I could go back there on a heartbeat.