I don’t know what to think about this: war in the middle East

Two weeks or so ago, Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Syria killing a number of her people and it promised to respond. But when you read this Post you would think Iran is the aggressor for responding to provocation. Why start a conflict with your neighbour when you don’t want them to fight back?

I like echo chambers. They allow us to be all the rage about those we don’t like without sitting back to ask if we could be culpable. I hope I am wrong on this and we have no major conflict and that lives are not lost needlessly.

It looks like this is the year the world says to hell with peaceful coexistence and goes to a world war again. There’s been weapons build up with nowhere to use them or buyers of the same. A wider conflict in the middle east provides such a market for weapons while people continue to die.

I don’t think there is any hope for lasting peace in the Middle East in this generation and maybe the next.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

22 thoughts on “I don’t know what to think about this: war in the middle East

  1. basenjibrian2 says:

    Yeah. I mean what did they expect? Oooohhhh. That must make me an anti semite. Which I might be if one expands the definition to include all the crazy middle eastern semites, including Arabs. 

    Liked by 1 person

    • makagutu says:

      For Iran to fold its tails and say we are sorry you bombed our embassy.
      In Jerry’s blog, you can’t ask such a question. While the biology is good, on the middle east, it is an echo chamber. You will quickly be branded a Hamas sympathizer and antisemite.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. I am not as pessimistic as you are, but I think war is possible. Between how many countries I don’t know. I just think the United States should stay out of it. But I don’t trust the neocons in Washington who seem to be running our foreign policy. Humans don’t seem to know how to stay out of wars.

    Liked by 1 person

    • makagutu says:

      The US is not going to stay out of it. I have read news of your navy sending more ships to the area. I think they guys in Washington want a war somewhere. One minute they are telling Iran we were not party to this raid and the next moment they are if you retaliate, there will be consequences. That is after donating $500mn worth of weapons confiscated from Iran to Ukraine.


      • Nan says:

        In my less-than-professional opinion, if the U.S. does not continue to help Ukraine, Russia will be the victor. And anyone who thinks they will stop there, has mush for brains.

        Plus, this little “skirmish” in the Middle East (no matter who is “right” or “wrong”) is going to grow and, as you said Mak, the U.S. is not going to stay out of it.

        I’m glad I’m old. I’m sorry for the younger folk, but I’ve seen enough wars to do me for this lifetime.

        Liked by 3 people

        • makagutu says:

          The war between Russia and Ukraine might not be winnable.
          Giving Ukraine weapons has the effect of extending the duration of the war. The best outcome is a peace agreement or armistice.

          The middle east on the other hand is a proper mess

          Liked by 1 person

  3. shelldigger says:

    This entire situation is not good. I agree there is little hope for peace in the Middle East, I seriously doubt there ever was. Not sure there ever will be.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Spoiler Alert: You’re obviously right. The embassy bombing was a Netanyahu ploy to transform the middle east conflict into a west vs. east affair. Unfortunately Iran played straight into the trap.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ron says:

    Sorry, guys. I’d like to become engrossed in t supporting t he latest current thing, but my event calendar for April is already quite full. Today is National Laundry Day. Tomorrow is:

    Good Deeds Day
    National Eggs Benedict Day
    National Orchid Day
    National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day, and
    Save the Elephant Day .

    And the day after is:

    Go Fly a Kite Day
    International Bat Appreciation Day
    International Haiku Poetry Day, and
    National Banana Day

    Liked by 1 person

  6. renudepride says:

    Unfortunately, I’m inclined to agree with your assessment of the situation in the Middle East. It doesn’t look fruitful and it is also now becoming apparent that there is no sane solution available. The major concern for my mother in Greece is the reality that she lives too close for comfort. Naked hugs, my Kenyan brother! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Once again the time is ripe to clean the slate and to relieve the built up tension of human frustration and anxieties. It is futile to ask the question of ‘why’; nature has its own way for how to releasing the pressure valves in periodical intervals. 


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