
Describe one positive change you have made in your life.

I try to sleep a lot, whenever possible since I had good rest keeps the doctor away and those who know me, I don’t like hospitals and doctors.

Nothing beats the awareness that you don’t have to finish a book. Life is short to finish a book you don’t like unless it is tied to your job application or PhD defense. Or your life depends on it.

The biggest change is to live and let live. I don’t get into debates on which is the best god or how many days we should fast unless someone brings the debate to me. This also includes not bothering with the news or even sosho media which means a more quiet life.

There are other changes but I am too lazy to list them. Which reminds me there should be a laziness day somewhere in the calendar where we do whatever it is like with no goal other than that we like it.

If I was a motivational speaker I would have started this post by how I have become a better me but then I don’t find self help helpful.