thoughts out of season

it’s almost two years now since covid 19 left China to spread across the world and in its wake, it has left dead bodies spread across the world, battered economies, lockdowns and more lockdowns and of course vaccines. It is interesting how vaccines have become a hot political debate but that’s not the thought out of season.

Imagine for a second that covid arose first in Africa and given the abandon with which countries close their borders for travel just at the sneeze of a new variant, would we have a vaccine by now? Or would Africa have been left to fend for itself- which is not a bad thing in itself- with borders closed until such a time WHO would declare the threat addressed?

While on this line of thought, would such an action result in a change in the way African governments deal with their universities and research institutions? Would there be an increase in funding to these institutions to build and develop home grown solutions to emergencies and disease? Would Africa and Africans learn to ease border travel between them or would we have had a replica of the same where Kenya closes its border with Uganda and Tanzania. South Africa closes its borders for all Africans except if you are rich. And North Africa closes its border for anyone whose skin is not pale?

Or maybe I am wrong. The world would have been open to Africa. Big pharmaceutical companies would have worked on the overdrive to produce vaccines and make their patents open source to ensure rapid development of vaccines and cures for the poor Africans. African governments would realise the futility of silly border rules across Africa and work to ease travel to save their economies and maybe only a few people would have died and the world would be a much better place.

on covid 19

Maybe Trump was right when he called it Chinese virus. But maybe, he should have called it Wuhan virus. This, my friends, would not have been a racist statement as some of you are won’t to think. It is common practice to name viruses or pandemics according to where they were first discovered. So for example MERS- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome which for those unaware had a very high fatality rate the SARS-CoV1.

In this long read, the question of the origin of the virus is looked at. For those who haven’t been following, there are two theories- a natural origin and a lab release (accidental). In the natural origin theory, it is argued that it could have come from one of the bat species to an intermediate host then to humans.

On the lab origin theory it is speculated that the virus might have leaked from one of the virology labs in Wuhan where they study coronaviruses.

And it is here that it gets quite muddy. Fauci, NIH and NIAID all have their hands in this mix. It is possible there is a lot we are still ignorant of but with time and a bit more sleuthing, we may come close to knowing what the source of this virus is.

And while we wait, you can also read this very long post written more than a year ago by Yuri Deigin.

From my reading of the two very long posts, it seems to me, the probability of a natural origin is really small given the specific nature of this virus, failure to find the intermediate host, & many other points raised on those two pieces.

Go read.

What other corona viruses can tell us about covid19

Hope you friends have been well. There has been a dry spell of articles and posts this past week as your host was under the weather- a bad cold and bike injury. I seem to be getting better on both fronts.

I found this Article which I think is good.

They also say not to raise our hopes about a vaccine coming out soon. A safe vaccine is still months or years away.

Keep safe every one and have a pleasant weekend.

Government in crisis: reblog

By Adam Przeworski – Democratic governments have implemented measures similar to those by autocracies in response to the pandemic. Are these value trade-offs temporary experiments, or will they be here to stay?

COVID-19 reveals the fragility of our values

Give me liberty or give me death appears, at these times that we live in to be an aberration. Billions have chosen life.

Hunger or Covid19? That’s the million dollar question for the daily wage earners.

Governments in crisis

Most of the posts on Covid19 I have read are either about the dead, the economic impacts of the control measures or those questioning the rationale of the restrictions put in many places around the world.

The authors of this post look at a different dimension, but still important in the covid19 pandemic- governance. Do you think your leaders were deluding themselves- take the case of Magafuli who has said Tanzanians should continue going to church as they can’t get the virus there- or manipulating the populace- think China and claims of censorship?