on hell and heaven

Bart Erhman says Christians belief in these two places are misplaced, based on erroneous thinking or reading of the bible and ancient stories. He says Jesus had no such beliefs.

In other troubling news, a guy from Indonesia has been spamming my comments section with viagra sales. Now I have not made any orders to Pfizer for their wonder drug nor i have done a web search anywhere for efficacy of viagra.

Rains are here now. Today it rained in the morning and I couldn’t go out to run. The weather forecast for today and the rest of the week is more rain and cloudy days. I can’t imagine running on a treadmill for 2 hours. I think even hamsters get bored. I would die from boredom even if i had music and tv as i run.

Who said there is no evidence for god

Now that I have your attention, why do internet scammers display a lack of tact. For example I got this mail a few days ago, notice I get many of them,

May the peace of God be with you and your family.

I know it will be a great surprise reading from me today but consider this a divine intervention as a pastor explained to my understanding. My name is Mrs. Teresa Stang, a widow from Oklahoma USA and am writing you from my sickbed because i have been fighting cancer.

I will tell you more about myself and what you need to do with the money once your receive it. Please write me soon as my health is pretty bad and my doctors says i will be moved to the intensive care unit anytime soon.

Have a blessed day and please do pray for me.

God bless you.

Mother Teresa Stang

And why would she believe the pastor if the same god failed to keep her from not having cancer?

If you have read this far, thank you, I didn’t have a better way of saying I have nothing better to write 🙂 and that there will be intermittent postings for the next few days.