the peaceful religion of Allah

has its minions sentencing 9 people to death for blasphemy.

One wonders when god will show up as a witness or a complainant in a court of justice/ law or in this case when will Mo[piss be upon him] show up in his defense to say he has been blasphemed.

We end this broadcast with a quote from T Paine

“People in general know not what wickedness there is in this pretended word of God. Brought up in habits of superstition, they take it for granted that the Bible is true, and that it is good; they permit themselves not to doubt of it, and they carry the ideas they form of the benevolence of the Almighty to the book which they have been taught to believe was written by his authority. Good heavens! it is quite another thing, it is a book of lies, wickedness, and blasphemy.”

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

74 thoughts on “the peaceful religion of Allah

  1. john zande says:

    Mr Paine, I salute you!


  2. Wow, your life must be very dull. That’s what you’re showing to the world with this post , I won’t dare call it a blog nor a piece of writing as that’s reserved for intelligent people who actually have original things to say . And when you said Mo, do you mean Moses? Because he also is a prophet for Muslims.
    And Islam didn’t sentence anyone to death, how stupid to say that.


    • makagutu says:

      I see you really are a moron. I didn’t say Islam sentenced anyone to death. I said minions of Allah which you must be one of them, an ignorant moron. I meant any Mo you can think of that fits that bill.


  3. Anyone who liked this rubbish, must have a dire level of intelligence.


    • makagutu says:

      and you must really be devoid of manners to pick a quarrel with people who have done you nor your shitty religion no harm. How uncouth! Have you any education at all?


      • I am doing plenty of harm with my low intelligence levels. Thankfully not too many people pay attention, the only ones who do are stupid as well.
        I have no respect for the intelligent.
        Ask my mother to raise me properly.


        • makagutu says:

          You are free to comment here all you want.
          Insults to the host nor my friends will however be deleted


        • Your screen name is strange, sir, as are your comments here. I can understand someone not agreeing with Mak’s thesis, or even with Thomas Paine’s works, I do not understand the level of your disagreement. Why on Earth would someone come out swinging on such a puerile level to his simple observation. As the late American author, Robert A. Heinlein wrote, blasphemy is a victimless crime. To hear of people actually being charged with this “crime” is upsetting and certainly makes those bringing such charges suspect themselves. My own philosophical and religious roots come from an era of people being condemned to horrible deaths because of charges that they called upon the “wrong” gods. To see this madness loose in the world again is not only painful, but is a subject that cannot be ignored but must be condemned. Do you then support such misuse of the criminal system?


          • makagutu says:

            Mariah, I couldn’t understand what his disagreement was. Is he opposed to my raising awareness that people still get tried and sentenced for blasphemy.
            Is his disagreement that people liked the post. Or is his disagreement based on my request for the supposed gods and prophets to show up in court?


        • If only one can turn back time they would stop the mother of this imbecile to reproduce such a stupid person that is a burden on society. Hate is a propaganda used by leaders ruling elite of whatever country they ‘lead’ to get all the ignorant stupid masses of people into a frenzy. They clearly cannot read between the lines they just go straight into hatred without any background knowledge. I
          Would not waste my time arguing with this level of ignorance. What a purely sick ‘blog’.


    • siriusbizinus says:

      “Anyone who liked this rubbish[] must have a dire [need] of intelligence.”

      There, I fixed your sentence so that it is now an insult. You’re welcome!


  4. A Guy Without Boxers says:

    Paine has his subject on target! Good for him! Excellent post, my Nairobi brother. I trust all is well with you! 🙂


  5. Nyambura says:

    I would buy a front row seat in that court just to see whether this elusive god shows up, period.


  6. shelldigger says:

    When will people ditch their damnable bronze age myths and get with the 20th century? Why people actually want to be so barbaric is beyond me. All religion is equal, in regards to its lack of empathy towards anyone who might think or look differently as they do.

    Xenophobic fucking barbarians, with a penchant for murder in the name of their special magic books.

    Nice drive by troll Mak. I look forward to his return with a rational argument.


    • makagutu says:

      I am not sure rational argument is something he knows.
      I don’t get how barbaric we still are in this age to deal with dissent by killing the dissenters


    • wanjiru's world says:

      Spencer, in his book, the rise and fall of destiny, says : “the world operates in two extremes: the sensual and the ideological. the sensual is based on faith and the belief that society breathes at the throes of the supernatural. the ideological is based on science: the belief that everything is logically created and has its evolutionary predisposition to survival. but either way, they alternate in a circular way. one declines and the other rises. there is the in-between area where the two extremes try to pull society each against the other. here, but only for a little time, sensual and ideological co-exist” now, i don’t wholly agree with him but i believe he has a point. we are at a phase where science and religion are trying to co-exist. what disappoints me is not that religion is here, but that people close their eyes to reality in the name of religion. they chose to cover their ills with religion and they do worse damage than an ethical science procedure would ever do.


      • shelldigger says:

        Very interesting, and I could not agree more with your assesment. 🙂

        Though I might think it is religion that would like to coexist with science moreso than the opposite. Science has no need for religion. By its very nature, science has pretty much ruled out magic.

        Liked by 1 person

        • wanjiru's world says:

          To that, I say AMEN! I don’t believe magic exists. Religion disapproves itself there by the sheer thought of word against action. It does not matter how much i believe that my absentee leg will grow back coz it never will. S
          tupid magic is just a way of getting people to run away from reality.


          • shelldigger says:

            As Mak would say “on this I think we agree” 🙂

            I can understand in times of difficulty, people looking for solace in their magic books and engaging in wishful thinking. There is no remedy in magic or wishful thinking however. You just have to dig in and find that thing that allows you to move on. At least that has always been the case for me.


  7. Arkenaten says:

    And I thought it was just me that attracted the weirdos, Mak. Well done.

    Smashing post and right on the button.


  8. makagutu says:

    Did they lose any money? I would be willing to refund any money lost.
    And if it is people’s blogs, I have not the time nor patience to even hack an account. How do I start? I could however pay top dollar to hack your mind


  9. Mockery is Tantamount to Ignorance. The Arabs took the Europeans out of the dark ages, they let us study their science, their vital education was paramount in the growth of civilisation. Unfortunately it’s been wasted on people like you, not only you are a coward you insult others beliefs. An intelligent person would live and let live, generalisation is the root of all ignorance. You are not much better than a terrorist spreading your hate. Just shows what type of person you are – modifying comments to amuse your small mind as you did with whitemagicvibes. You could modify this post, but you cannot modify that fact that you will remain a sad individual that is out to spread negativity and feed other ignorant souls similar to you. Whilst there are people with your level of ignorance, we certainly cannot hope for peace in this world! Your purely a coward hiding behind fake names spreading hate. Be ashamed you disgraceful miserable excuse of a living creature.


    • makagutu says:

      What mockery are you talking about? To ask the offended god to defend itself is not mockery. If it is lost on you, in this post, I only raised awareness on the barbaric act of sentencing 9 people to death for blasphemy.
      You really have no manners. Whitemagic comes here insults me and my friends and with your head in your ass you do the same. What an asshole.


      • Sentencing 9 people to death on charges of blasphemy has NOTHING to do with what I’m telling you. Instead of trying to twist things be ashamed and reevaluate what you are saying!!! There is no point trying to explain or argue a point with people like you. You have insulted important religious figures, you even modify people’s post to amuse your small minds. If you were fair you would not insult or change other people’s posts. If you don’t like what you hear then change your approach. You need to accept criticism as you give so much of it! I know what small minded individual you are but at least do not pretend your in the right. You are despicable! Carry on spreading hatred and live your miserable life as you wish but this kind of hatred will get you no where.


      • fojap says:

        I noticed this, but didn’t comment before: “they let us study their science”

        That reminds me of a joke whose punchline is “What do you mean by ‘we’, pale-face?” I’m quite amused by tony accusing you of Eurocentric bias. Next, he will tell you you’re racist against people of color. 😀


    • shelldigger says:

      Yes, there was a time Arabs did contribute to the sciences. So…what are they doing now? All civilisations rise and fall, I fear you are relying upon a history that has little to do with the present. Perhaps I have missed all of the recent accomplishments?

      Or just maybe you could be blind in one eye and can’t see out the other.


    • Bravo bravo Mr Tony. Finally someone with intelligence and who isn’t filled with blind hate!!

      At a time when Europeans were fighting off diseases, Arabs had already named most of the stars in the sky.

      Actually, the Islamic holy book contains many scientific facts which today’s scientists have only just discovered. It’s truly amazing! I was watching a fantastic show where a British scientist said Muslims should be loud and proud of all the science that’s In the Quran! Bravo !

      Others on here can continue making jokes about God on a bicycle. Says it all….


    • thank you sir. But don’t worry, this person has been reported to WordPress for excessively editing people’s comments. WordPress have been notified.


    • john zande says:

      Tony, if your beliefs can’t stand even the mildest scrutiny, then scrutiny isn’t your problem.


  10. Stop trying to justify what is clearly obviously the contrary! I wouldn’t expect you to understand my post. You ONLY raised awareness of the sentence of 9 people? Oh please, even an underdeveloped brain like yours can understand that has clearly got nothing to do with you modifying peoples post to amuse your sad little mind. You insult religion and therefore many people’s beliefs. Be ashamed and learn to accept criticism if your insulting, being rude and spreading hatred!


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