Some things people say

Some of you who read this blog have met Veracious poet. In his latest post he writes

Note that, I am not a Christian apologist. My position is only a philosophical position. I don’t attend any church or feel the need to make senseless noise in the name of worship. I think that is lunacy. But, other than ascribing events and existence to random chance, I simply hold the view that there is an entity higher than man, who originated the universe.


Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

which only means if this Jesus fellow graced the earth, he never wanted to be understood. He was a lunatic and a madman, a lowlife. But I digress.

Instead of honestly admitting his religiosity, he hides behind a cover of pseudo-intelligentsia or philosophy while openly arguing for creationism.

  1. Because we don’t know why death comes when it does, it must be the work of an intelligent designer. What does it help an infinitely perfect being to create beings that die and decay? Was this its attempt at humour? Was god bored?
  2. Evolution through natural selection? Designed by intelligent designer, blessed be it!
  3. Powers of human imagination? Blessed be the intelligent designer!
  4. Animal instinct? Blessed be the intelligent designer. What, if we may, is instinct? Is this not the same in human beings as it is in brutes?
  5. We have different food sources, blessed be the intelligent designer!
  6. Laws of planetary motion. The universe is fine tuned blah blah.
  7. Someone must control the water levels. It is impossible to imagine that these are just natural processes. God must be involved, but hey, I am no goddite, I am a philosopher!
  8. You can breath, blessed be the intelligent designer.
  9. Sex, thank god!

Why leave out cancer, wasn’t this the work of the intelligent designer. Slow torturous and painful way to die.

What about the claws that enable lions to maul gazelles, intelligent designer, blessed be he.

Why forget the plague? Or typhoid fever. The blessed intelligent designer took no chances. He included in his designs safeguards to ensure death would come. It maybe painless like waking up dead or syphilis.

Don’t you find earthquakes and tsunamis beautiful. You vile atheists! The height of the wave and the destruction that follows it, how can you not praise the intelligent designer for his ways.

Heat waves. How intelligently designed. They reach just the appropriate temperatures to kill humans and brutes alike. Blessed be the intelligent designer.

Why should anyone cover their veiled attacks on atheism behind claims of being ignorant of why things are the way they are. I readily admit I don’t know why shit is, but I am not going to quickly jump into conclusions that would in themselves need explanations. That would be uncalled for and dishonest.

There is nothing wrong in accepting one is religious. It is hard to admit one has been duped. But it does you no good to pretend to be philosophical when you are not acting the part.