Various approaches to covid19 disease

So far, in many countries, there are strict lockdown measures and social distancing requirements that seem to be working for some and not in other areas. Why this is the case is a question for researchers to answer. In Tanzania, our neighbour to the south, the president has declared a 3 day period for prayer to ask for healing and protection. I hope it works so their cases don’t spike. I might just start praying to the gods of my ancestors.

I am hoping the few cases being recorded in Africa, and war torn places like Yemen is not really because they don’t have testing capacity but that they have no cases.

It appears the debate of where the virus arose will not be resolved soon. And how this will play between China and the rest of the world will be hard to tell.

There has been push back after Trump said he has total authority, that American presidents do what they what want. Part of the argument is he doesn’t have such powers but from where I sit, Trump is partially right. They do whatever the fuck they want, generally, except on US soil bit even this seems to diminish by the day. They send drones they way Santa sends gifts- all in the name of keeping us safe from extremists-, they can order the taking out of any target they want. The rule of law exists for lesser mortals. And when Trump says the US is withdrawing from UNESCO, the US does. When Trump wants the Israel embassy to be in Jerusalem, the fucking embassy moves!

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

63 thoughts on “Various approaches to covid19 disease

  1. jim- says:

    One thing we learned from the AIDS epidemic; no finger pointing. The pathology of these things are typically years and years in the making. Flight attendant Gaëtan Dugas was basically the scape goat blamed for spreading aids around the world (patient O) yet it took about 25 years to finally conclude that HIV had been brewing in other regions for decades. He died thinking he had killed millions.
    It’s easy to point the finger at Wuhan, but with all the traffic in and out of there, it was a bat in a wet market? I’d be surprised if that is true. We’ll see.

    Liked by 2 people

    • makagutu says:

      The WP article says the market in question doesn’t even deal in bats. So this is going to be a long war

      Liked by 2 people

      • jim- says:

        I did read the piece. They’ve been monkeying around with the virus in a lab for some time. But it’s been around in nature for who knows how long? It’s easier to blame China for just about everything. Maybe there’s a reason for that but I suspect it’s political. Nationalism needs an enemy.


        • makagutu says:

          You are right, nationalism needs an enemy and the bigger the enemy the better. A small enemy just doesn’t cut it. And you know what they say here, when two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers. SO while the two elephants are fighting- the small grass (small-weaker countries) pay the price. It will be cold war 2.0

          Liked by 2 people

      • maryplumbago says:

        Yes I have my suspicions…


        • makagutu says:

          I have my suspicions too…. many things are not adding up

          Liked by 1 person

          • maryplumbago says:

            You know the Americans gave blankets the the Native America’s here long ago that had been around people with small pox and it nearly killed them all off. So there is nothing I wouldn’t put past any large powerful country…US, Russia, China and power and control are the rewards and no thought to what things can do to the everyday man and woman.

            I saw a special years ago, whether it’s true or not, that a lab in Russia had combined Small Pox and Anthrax…not that it was used, but just the capability. So much technology and still the primitive brain rules.


  2. Ron says:

    God is obviously punishing those who ignore his edict not to eat bats and other prohibited foods.


  3. judyt54 says:

    then again, maybe god is visiting retribution on those who DID ignore the warnings, the signs, the masks, and the doctors who Know Better. In other words, if you THAT arrogant and THAT stupid, then you don’t deserve to live. Zap.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I say international travel has become far too easy so who know where it began.
    Our province is beginning to flatten the curve so it’s been fairly good news as long as people don’t stop following rules too soon.


  5. john zande says:

    I’m almost certain I have it. Had diarrhoea for 6/7 days now, but no other symptoms. And it’s not even bad diarrhoea. Reading up on it, and this seems to be one of he most common manifestations of CV-19.


  6. Sirius Bizinus says:

    It looks like blaming China’s going to be part of Trump’s re-election strategy. He’s going to ask people to forget his mistakes because of this big, scary, foreign country. Right now he says he’s got all kinds of power, but that story changes when people want him to take responsibility for his actions.

    One of the unintended consequences of this whole mess is that people who might have felt lazy about voting against Trump now have a very dramatic reminder that should last until November. Things are bad enough in some places that people realize they’ll be voting against him because their lives depend on it.

    Also, we’re broadcasting many of our worst examples to people all over the world. Locally, most people are following guidelines. Our news doesn’t generally report about sensible people.


    • makagutu says:

      I am thinking with the Trump embossed cheque, he has given many people 1200 reasons to vote for him in November.
      I think Trump sees no contradiction in both saying he got all authority and he is not responsible.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Sirius Bizinus says:

        It’s going to come down to messaging. Trump might try to tell people 1200 bucks is worth the misery they’ve endured. Biden might ask if 1200 bucks covered the damage to their lives.

        And I get that Trump can keep both opposing ideas straight in his head. A crooked mind can straighten any convoluted thought. Fortunately, I don’t know any independents who are convinced by it.


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