Honoring awadz

This has taken a long time to write. It’s like writing an acceptance speech something I must accept am not particularly good at and so you will be kind to forgive me when and if I perform dismally. None the less, allow me to say thank you one to my esteemed followers, readers and commenters. All of you have helped in one way or another to develop this blog to where it is, and I thank you very much.

My friend Daniela at Lantern Post nominated me a while ago for one lovely blog award. The awards have rules which I have discovered an so poor at keeping, I will however try this time round. 

  1. Display the award logo on your blog,
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you,
  3. State seven things about yourself:, I detest lateness;  love music; would want to attend my funeral; am passionate about architecture; if I decide to go to school again I would pursue philosophy and lastly if even just for a little while I’d enjoy sitting down with most of you just to talk about how we see
  4. Nominate fifteen other bloggers for this award and link to them,
  1. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements. Since I don’t like rulez, create your own and follow them.

The second award if from my philosopher friend, R.L Culpeper, who makes philosophy almost sound like child play. 

The rules are the same as above. Since as you already know, I suck at following rules, allow me to say that for all the guys that I follow, you have wonderful blogs. The photographs inspire, the conversation amuse and the thoughts both educate and entertain and for that allow me to extend this nomination to you all. In case you haven’t received an award or a nomination, consider this my nomination and congratulations for a wonderful blog.

Keep writing friends!

Congratulations again to all of you.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

12 thoughts on “Honoring awadz

  1. mixedupmeme says:

    I have a hard time keeping track of awards……(not that I get that many..lol) but I will try to respond. Not always good about following rules. 😦


  2. john zande says:

    Makagutu, I’m with Mixedupmeme on this. Not sure what to do with it. The fact you thought of me for this made me smile 🙂 but the chain-mail part of it sort of makes me cringe a little. If i had to nominate anyone you’d be the first (your bible critiques seriously make me laugh). I’m so new to WP i’m still trying to figure out how everything works


  3. It seems you are a popular fellow, Mr. Makagutu! Congratulations and thanks for the kind words and nomination.


  4. Daniela says:

    I am glad you took up the award -:)!

    Take Care,


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