Chronicles of YHWH 31: Quotable quotes

Quotable quotes

Quotable quotes:

“Yo momma” – Sigmund Freud.

“Space is stretchy and discombobulating” – Albert Einstein.

“Kill me now” – Yeshua Kristi.

“Dream on” – Martin Luther King.

“Of a surety, ye be a similitude of rain clouds” – Allah.

“I never said any of that shit” – Confucius.

“He that goeth before has consulted the footprints” – Mahayana Buddhist.

“Give me your tithe, your girlfriend and your aunt” – Local Pastor.

“I even heavenly Jesus bible white photosynthesis” – Local Fundie.

“The darker the apple, the sweeter the juice” – Lucifer/ Talking Snake.


“Earthlings are clearly bananas” – Martians.

“Chillax, all yo” – Universe.

N/B: For access to all anecdotes in this series, check out List of all “Chronicles of YHWH” notes.

About Joseph Wahome

Used to the quirky side of life: been there, done that, got burnt, got redeemed, sticking the neck out again, but this time, with some titanium necklaces.

19 thoughts on “Chronicles of YHWH 31: Quotable quotes

  1. aguywithoutboxers says:

    Cool! 🙂


  2. themodernidiot says:



  3. john zande says:

    I even heavenly Jesus bible white photosynthesis



  4. ratamacue0 says:

    I bet hanging out with you is a trip! 😉


  5. makagutu says:

    Joe, are you saying fundies are incapable of coherence? They will not be amused


  6. Daniela says:

    Confucius rocks -:)!


  7. Arkenaten says:

    Go Confucius! He was in the pub at the time, right?


    • Joseph Wahome says:

      Naturally, Arkenaten. Ha ha. 🙂


      • Arkenaten says:

        People like him have been misquoted throughout history.
        ‘Tis a little know fact that Neil Armstrong’s first words upon stepping onto the moon were in fact:
        “Hey, Huston, this looks like reindeer shit!”
        They made him climb back inside the Eagle and do it over – for obvious reasons.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Aquileana says:

    “Dream on” – Martin Luther King> an excellent quote… Coming from a wise man, a visionary… Adremer!.

    “He that goeth before has consulted the footprints” – Mahayana Buddhist > So powerful… Don’t you feel that past and present are juxtaposed here?

    “Yo momma” – Sigmund Freud. > id Fredu say that one?!!! No way 🙂

    Great selection of quotes, dear Makagutu!… Sending you all my very best wishes!, Aquileana 😀


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