this post needs a title


You have in this post, a fellow who starts by saying bravely

If you’ve “studied all religions” and can’t see any difference between them, you haven’t actually studied religions.

And immediately begins an apologia for Christianity!

The author tells us

The Christian gospel is the Bible’s clear and inescapable message that God became man in Jesus Christ, and died to take the punishment for sins that each of us deserve.

which when translated in normal speak should read; the bible is the clear record of a suicidal and malicious god who died to save us from his malice for making us they we are.

And yes, we agree

This “substitutionary atonement” (Jesus paying the price for sin in our place) is the distinctive element of the gospel that sets it apart.

but for the reasons you think but because it is so absurd to be believable that one would entertain the thought that it is a just thing to kill a good person as a substitute for the mistakes of another person.

And I disagree

Religions are not all the same, and any believer who has genuinely studied their own religion will know this.

Religions are all the same but it is the expression of the beliefs that differ.

And the person who believes

And in raising Him from the dead, God showed that Jesus is the one He had chosen to be the saviour of the world, rather than Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, or any other religious leader.

must believe in a god that depends on human or animal sacrifice to achieve it ends. This must, in my view be a very limited god.

And in other news

When will the guns go silent in Syria, Burundi, Lebanon, Nigeria, Palestine/ Israel, Central African Republic, Iraq, France and elsewhere men and women are fighting? What will it take to attain world peace? And is it an achievable prospect or should we be more realistic and accept that it will forever be a dream and nothing more?

And finally for those who are having a bad day

Those who might be wondering whether we have electricity in this part of the world, we do

Those who might be wondering whether we have electricity in this part of the world, we do

out cycling with friends

out cycling with friends

bikers paradise: tea farms, fresh air, cool breeze and little traffic

bikers paradise: tea farms, fresh air, cool breeze and little traffic