Thoughts out of season

Is the NT and specifically the gospels a tragedy? Maybe the bible is a tragicomedy where the key actor dies but for some unknown reason is forced to resurrect? Maybe to spite the audience? Or to reassure them life is not all bleak?

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

31 thoughts on “Thoughts out of season

  1. archaeopteryx1 says:

    It’s the carrot in front of the donkey – something we all wish could be true, that death need not be the end of us. The hero of the piece says, “It’s easy! All you have to do is believe in me! See, I believed in me, and I did it!


  2. john zande says:

    Could have started out as a play. After all, the Greeks had run Palestine for the 300 years before Jesus was said to have popped up.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s a tragedy that so many people think this tripe is real.


  4. nannus says:

    The story has some traits typical of greek mythology. A motive often found in heroic myths is that the hero has a special birth (often as the son of a god) with dangers and special events around his birth. We find that in the NT. Then there is a series of more or less magical heroic deeds and travels. He dies in a tragic way, goes down into the underworld, is then resurected and ascends to the realm of the heavenly deities. You find all of these motives in the Heracles myth, for example (and there are other examples of these same patterns). Heracles is born as the son of a god (Zeus) and a mortal woman. Hera is giving trouble when he is born. He performs heroic and partially magic deeds, dies tragically, and finally ascends to the Olymp.

    All of these motives and the same general pattern of the storyline can also be found in the Jesus story. He is the son of a god and a mortal women. There are difficulties, special signs and events, as well as dangers around his birth. He performs miracles etc. He dies tragically, goes down to the realm of the dead, is resurrected, ascends to heaven and becomes a god.

    It obviously follows a greek plot, the typical plot of a greek half god/hero story. Note that Jesus goes down to the realm of the dead before being resurrected, but in the old Jewish religion, there was no concept of an underwold. So there is undeniably a strong greek/roman influence here in the way the story was composed.


    • makagutu says:

      Very well put nannus.
      Maybe we should start looking at it as a play and not anything about redemption

      Liked by 1 person

    • fojap says:

      That’s also the monomyth, a la Joseph Campbell.


      • archaeopteryx1 says:

        Campbell said that a mythology is inevitably bound to the society and time in which it occurs and cannot be divorced from this culture and environment, which could explain why we are beginning to slough off the Judaic/Christian myths – had the Church, backed by the power of the State, not kept them alive, they likely would have been gone already.


        • archaeopteryx1 says:

          “Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”
          — John F. Kennedy —


      • nannus says:

        Indeed, the hero in all his many forms 🙂


  5. Peter says:

    The original ending of the earliest gospel (Mark), before apologist tacked on verses 9-20.

    ‘And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.’

    Reads like a tragedy.


  6. archaeopteryx1 says:

    Throughout movie history, they’ve chosen the wrong actors to play Jesus – it should have been Swarzenneger. I can envision him looking down from the cross, saying, “Ah’ll be back!”


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