Stealing from god: why atheists need god to make their case

Here, I wrote a post as a response to the claim by Turek that evil disproves atheism. He has written, so I read, several books on apologetics. One of the lairs for Jesus is encouraging you heathens to read the book. He tells us, and here am putting the cart before the proverbial horse,

A word to unbelievers, this is a book you must read. It will rightfully challenge your worldview and hopefully push you to reconsider your atheistic presuppositions.

Yours truly is not going to read the book. I have more interesting things to read at the moment that am not going to waste time ploughing through apologetics. Only a god made by men would need men to get his word across. So am not interested in Turek’s god. Don’t misunderstand me, I have no belief in any god existing.

I find believers a strange lot. Here he tells us

about how we do not necessarily need to be an expert in every field of study in order to acknowledge when there is a problem with a particular worldview

and just yesterday, on a site where JZ and I have since been denied access, I was told I have to read hermeneuitics to not see the sacrifice of Jephthah daughter as abhorrent. He insists if I could just read one scholar[ his recommended scholar], then the god of OT would be presented to me in a new light. Here Turek tells us it isn’t important. How convenient!

He tells an analogy of a building inspector, but as is common with apologists, they conveniently ignore what is important. When he says

The inspector didn’t need to understand the detailed workmanship of each of those specialists in order to spot a fatal flaw in the foundation. In fact, if there were a fatal flaw in the foundation, it wouldn’t matter how good the workmanship was above it – the entire structure would soon collapse

he is ignoring to mention the inspector had to know something about foundations or else who would be useless on this site. He might not know how to build but as a building inspector he would be a fraud if he didn’t understand the components of the building and if the apologists this reflects deep thinking, I know why I am not going to read the book.

In giving back to society, we enumerated some questions atheism can’t answer. When Turek and his followers write there are categories of reality atheism can’t answer, I must ask which categories did it seek to answer in the first place.

He accuses the atheist of the following C.R.I.M.E.S

That the atheist doubts the law of causality. Who does? The theist makes a special pleading in this law when he argues everything is caused but his god is uncaused. Who here is doubting?

Turek in his reason chapter manages to show that if atheism is true, all arguments for anything fail. How would this be? Is he arguing that if atheism is true, the only true statement will be that atheism is true and all other false?

I hope those of you who will read the book will tell me how in the chapter in information and intentionality, he explains why any god is necessary.

It is not enough to say there are objective moral values/ standards without giving a description of what these are. If anything, Pigluicci argues there could be a third way. And here is an interesting debate to consider.

There is a mountain of literature on evil and  I don’t think Turek will have anything substantive to say given the video we linked in an earlier post.

To claim we can’t do science effectively if atheism is true is asinine. No scientist goes to his desk and prays that his results maybe anything else other than as they are. I don’t know how many theists would continue to see their doctors if for every ailment, the prescription would be to recite three Hail Mary’s, and apostles creed.

If the review we are looking at gives a brief synopsis of the book, I urge believers and non believers alike not to read it. They will be wasting their time. They could spend that time being kind to one another. Leave gods alone.

About makagutu

As Onyango Makagutu I am Kenyan, as far as I am a man, I am a citizen of the world

90 thoughts on “Stealing from god: why atheists need god to make their case

  1. john zande says:

    Who’s Turek? (Your first link doesn’t work).


  2. “.. the atheist doubts the law of causality.” As an atheist, I doubt a god, or gods, particularly the christian god, caused anything. Gods are the result the come from the imaginations of human beings. That human imagination is the cause of god, I’ve no doubt. That “Turek” is arguing for anything other than HIS god as the cause of things I’ve also no doubt, and his god exists only in his mind. Good post, Mak. Did CS kick you and John off his/her site? You nasty boys!


  3. aguywithoutboxers says:

    Thank you for your advice, my Nairobi brother. I will not read the book. Truth is, I am rarely tempted to read any book on theology. They’re always repetitive and never present any new idea or thought. Like yourself, my friend, I have a very long list of books I’m hoping to read soon. I don’t have the time to waste on those that offer no new or original challenge. Thanks for offering this summation! Have a great day! Much love and naked hugs, buddy! 🙂


    • makagutu says:

      There are better things to do brother. These theists bore us with god this god that instead of we sitting down as intellectuals to address the world challenges, we have to tell them they are wrong

      Liked by 1 person

  4. “I hope those of you who will read the book will tell me how in the chapter in information and intentionality, he explains why any god is necessary.”

    I seriously doubt he’s stated that god belief is “necessary” for those who can’t face their mortality.


  5. nannus says:

    “Only a god made by men would need men to get his word across.” ! 🙂


  6. themodernidiot says:

    haha high fives for you and John. troublemakers lol


  7. Forgive me for splitting hairs here, but I’ve been doing some research into atheism and philosophical debates such as this one beg for some clarification.

    From the theist side:

    >>> “… Turek and his followers write there are categories of reality atheism can’t answer… ”

    >>> “Turek in his reason chapter manages to show that if atheism is true… ”

    What exactly is Turek referring to? I wasn’t aware that atheism exists as any sort of organized dogma which attempts to answer questions of reality. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I thought atheism was strictly a personal opinion which either:

    “rejects the belief in deities” or “rejects the existence of deities” – see

    Are theists maneuvering atheists into constructing positive assertions about its beliefs? Are theists luring atheists onto rationalized battlegrounds of their choosing which cannot be arbitrated by empirical means? If so, the legendary military strategist and tactician Sun Tzu would approve.


    • “Are theists maneuvering atheists into constructing positive assertions about its beliefs? Are theists luring atheists onto rationalized battlegrounds of their choosing which cannot be arbitrated by empirical means?” Yes. That’s exactly what they’re doing.

      Liked by 1 person

    • makagutu says:

      Bob you aren’t splitting hairs by asking a legitimate question.

      Turek and many apologists have a being problem when it comes to dealing with atheism. They approach it as they would approach another religion which comes with a book of dos and don’ts. The most we can do it to point out to them that atheism isn’t trying to answer any of the questions they have in their minds.

      I think they have decided to create a strawman to beat down, which is quite an easy task when you set your mind to doing it.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Noel, this is OT (surprise, surprise), but I just read this and was flabbergasted. You can’t make this stuff up.


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