An open letter to Raila Odinga

Dear Sir,

I hope this finds you well.

I know you are a busy man and therefore I will make this letter short. I will start by congratulating you on your nomination to vie for the presidency of this country and wish you the best in the election that is a few days away.

I am writing to express my disappointment with you, first in the five years that you have been prime minister and then on the conduct of ODM nominations especially with regard to those MPs who for lack of a better term I would call sycophants and family members. I admit that everyone has a right to contest any elective post whether they are your relations or not, but as one person who keeps telling us you stand for change, then you must through your minions obey the will of the people. They have said expressly they don’t want to work with your brother, sister and in-laws, don’t force them on the people. Speak up and walk the talk, give the people their wish and you will get to where you want to go or we will vote for your competition in spite and send you home to retire.

Mr. Prime Minister, you have said you want to see the end to nepotism and tribalism in this country but your conduct speaks a different language. I know your defenders would say that in the presidency of JFK in the US his brother was the Attorney General, nobody refuses that but look at it this way, you appointed your sister ambassador to the US, your brother was the Assistant finance minister and I don’t know what other members of your family have been appointed to state positions, don’t you think it makes you a hypocrite to criticize others or when your minions criticize others when you do the same thing. We need better leadership.

All of us have been made to believe you have fought for constitutionalism in Kenya. I think this is true but I want to submit here that when you had the power to do so, you failed to be a beacon of hope. You instead felt comfortable with appeasing your sycophants. I know politics is a game of numbers, but what do you think it would be your status among the general populace had you reduced your end of the cabinet to be within the new constitutional requirements? You would not have acted contra the constitution but would have been a beacon of hope of what we would expect in your government if you should win the election, as it is, there is nothing you inspire in me.

There is the big matter of corruption, I don’t know how you have performed in this sector. You were the supervisor of government ministries, unfortunately the reports from Transparency International show that corruption is still rife in government. The question is do you know and have chosen to be complacent or you don’t know and are inefficient?

On matters national security and asking us to be patriotic. There have been senseless killings in Taita Taveta and Garissa, you have a motorcade paid for by our money, it is unfortunate that you haven’t found the time to visit this families and grieve with them and yet you expect their votes! Are you hungry for power for power’s sake or is there something different we are to expect?

Five years ago at the end of the election that you maintained that your vote had been stolen I thought you would have learnt a few lessons. If your party cannot hold fair and credible elections what are we to expect of your presidency?

Lastly this is a bit of a personal matter. I have spent several days with this question and hope that someday I will get an answer from you. Of all the MPigs and good citizens we have in this country, is Kalonzo Musyoka the best choice of a running mate you could choose? This is a fellow you have been at loggerheads with for the five years of this coalition unless this has been for show. I know we are meant to forgive those who wrong us, I need to know what has changed in watermelon Kalonzo, when did he become a reformer, a proactive leader and what he now stands for? I feel really disappointed to say the least.

I hope to hear from you or one of your minions before the election date before I cast my vote.

Yours sincerely

Concerned voter.


why I raise my children without god

Today yours truly has been aming that is,not doing a lot of thinking, and then I found this article at iReport in CNN Blogs anout a parent raising her children without god and I thought you may like it too.

a mother of two teenagers in Texas, blogs about raising her children without religion. She said she shared this essay on CNN iReport because ‘I just felt there is not a voice out there for women/moms like me. I think people misunderstand or are fearful of people who don’t believe in God.

She says among others things about the cruelty of god, poor parenting skills, being illogical and so many other failures.

Read more here